Welcome back to episode 4.

Today's show is about nothing and everything at the same time.

Burning bodies, southpark, the holidays and dreaming. Dreaming of a better future, and doing the things you want to do.

Most people don't take the time to think about anything.

They jump from one direction to another, letting life drag them all over the place.

Today I'm going to keep this short.

To everyone in the US, happy thanksgiving.

My message for you today is that you can choose to live how other people live, or you can go create your own life, you can go out into the world and create something unique.

You can make a decision now, to do something different by dreaming.

I want to challenge you to dream of a new future, to dream of a new life...

...because everything is possible, when you make a decision to take action.

So, my question for you today is - what's your dream?

Let me know in the comments below.

Love ya,

- David Wood

P.S. Let me your your thoughts and questions below, and make sure to come back tomorrow for episode 5.

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